SGE Power believes that this investment will allow our company to grow to it’s full potential in capacity as well as financially. Consumers are in desperate need of our products and services that we offer here at SGE Power.
SGEPower develops and installs Renewable energy power systems that help commercial, residential, government and Non-profit organizations save money while becoming energy independent. We are a triple bottom-line company; people, planet, profits. It’s our goal to become the trusted source for efficiently improving our environment with renewable energy that offers a wide range of services: Commercial Solar Power Systems, Residential Solar Power Systems, Solar Water Heating, Solar Pool Heating and Air Conditioning. SGEPower offers clients a hassle-free method of converting solar energy into two types of power – Solar Photovoltaic (electricity) and Solar Thermal(hot water) – both of which translate into a sustainable way to power your business or home efficiently.
Solar Electricity
Originally developed for energy requirement for orbiting earth satellite – Solar Power – have expanded in recent years for our domestic and industrial needs. Solar power is produced by collecting sunlight and converting it into electricity. This is done by using solar panels, which are made up of many individual solar cells.
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Solar Water Heating
Nearly one third of the average electric bill is devoted to heating water. For most families, that adds up to a tidy sum. To estimate your family’s annual water heating expense, use the Energy Guide label attached to your water heater. To estimate your monthly water heating expense, you can average your last 12 electric bills, and multiply that average by 0.3 (30 percent). Once you’ve found your monthly water heating expense, you can approximate the savings that Guardian can provide you. Guardian water heaters are designed for maximum efficiency. In fact, Guardian is so efficient that it will, on average, supply 80–90 percent of your annual water heating needs. That means 80–90 percent of your water heating expense (which, remember, may be nearly one third of your total average electric bill) can be saved by installing a Guardian water heater. Not only are Guardian water heaters efficient and economically smart, they are also completely self-sufficient. Like your current water heater, you don’t ever have to worry about having hot water. Guardian takes care of itself. It knows when to collect heat from the sun, and when not to. It knows when no electricity is needed (which is almost all of the time), and when to provide back-up heat to insure your comfort. Guardian is so smart that you can just kick back, take a deep breath, and simply enjoy the savings it provides.
Solar Pool Heating
All you do is set the pool temperature on your automatic controller and let the sun do the rest.
When the automatic controller senses that there is enough solar energy to heat your pool and your pool is colder than you prefer, water is diverted from your pool pump to your solar system. As the water flows through each panel, the sun’s energy heats it. The heated water then flows back to your pool. This simple cycle continues until your desired pool temperature is reached. In today’s economy, we all know that saving money today is tomorrow’s investment
Federal Incentives: 30% of total system cost as an Investment Tax Credit
State Incentive: 35% of total system cost as a State Tax Credit up to $10,500
Bonus Depreciation: Commercial customers can take advantage of accelerated depreciation for solar property. In the first year, you can depreciate between 60 – 100% of the basis in the property.