3 Ways A Financial Wellness Coach Can Help You Navigate Alternative Investments

There are many different approaches to investing, but almost everyone with experience navigating these markets agrees that diversification is a key factor in financial success. That being said, …

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There are many different approaches to investing, but almost everyone with experience navigating these markets agrees that diversification is a key factor in financial success. That being said, if you only know your way around the stock market, mastering other investment modalities can be challenging – and that’s why you shouldn’t go it alone.

If you’re interested in diversifying your investments, consider working with a financial wellness coach. With their support, you can get your finances in order, becoming a seasoned investor with the insight to interpret and navigate even complex, new financial information.

Getting Your House In Order

Before diving into alternative investments, it’s important to get a handle on your existing financial situation by working with a financial wellness coach. Their specialty? Financial wellness coaches are trained professionals who can help you better understand your current situation and gain the necessary insights to reach your financial goals. That means providing targeted coaching and education, and holding you accountable to following through on your goals.

Creating Connections

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If your financial goals include making new investments – and they should – then the next step is to have your financial wellness coach connect you with a financial adviser. Advisers are investment experts and, despite the number of independent brokerage and investment platforms available today, it’s always wise to have a knowledgeable adviser on your side. Still, you don’t want to work with just any adviser.

No, for the best outcomes, your financial coach can connect you with an adviser who will understand you existing goals, and who will help you set additional investment goals with clear parameters. They will also help you identify good potential markets for your investments, such as real estate, cryptocurrency, or commodities.

Relating To Risk

Often, those individuals who choose to work with a financial wellness coach have a lot of anxiety around financial risk because they have had some economic difficulties in the past or have taken other risks that haven’t worked out. That’s an understandable position and, for those investing on their own, often a safer stance. One thing that can help investors to take smarter financial risks, though, is working with both a financial wellness coach and a financial adviser.

Why should you work with both of these professionals? While a financial coach can help you understand what constitutes a smart risk, such as the time-frame, the evidence or statistics, and your current financial standing, a financial adviser can help you identify what investments constitute an appropriate risk and are a good fit for your portfolio.

Be Money Wise

With proper financial education – care of your financial wellness coach – and a portfolio of smart investments chosen with the support of your financial adviser, you can get out of debt and grow your investment intelligence. And once you’ve honed your newfound financial wisdom, you’ll be able to go it alone. It’s a simple pathway that can help you navigate, but as with any other skill, it takes education and practice to master.

Let a financial wellness coach introduce you to the process and help you build the foundation you need to move forward with more advanced investments, developing a portfolio compatible with your needs.

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