About Us

There are countless news and educational resources devoted to information about investing. Most of these, however, focus on traditional investments: domestic stocks, bonds and mutual funds. The number of resources devoted to alternative investments—real estate, franchises, commodities and peer-to-peer lending, to name just a few—is significantly smaller.

Further, many of the resources that are devoted to alternative investments are also devoted to selling products and services. Clear, objective information about alternative investments can be hard to find.

That’s where NuWire Investor comes in: we strive to fill that information gap and educate and update investors on the news, trends and opportunities in the alternative investment marketplace.

As a media source, we are not selling products or services. We simply provide research and analysis to help investors in their due diligence and even give them new ideas. NuWire Investor seeks to make quality information about alternative investments easily accessible.

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