4 Health & Beauty Startups to Watch in 2017

History is filled with stories of people who brought their amazing ideas to life, but never has it been easier for everyday people to launch what could potentially …


History is filled with stories of people who brought their amazing ideas to life, but never has it been easier for everyday people to launch what could potentially be a million-dollar idea. With access to startup funds as simple as creating a crowdfunding campaign, and with the internet and mobile apps bringing the world together, ordinary people are surging forward with their innovative health & beauty ideas, and the world is responding.

Here are four health & beauty startups that could potentially be on the cusp of worldwide success.


Like so many successful health & beauty startups before it, MatchCo’s success lies in its simplicity. Anyone who wears foundation knows the frustration involved in finding their skin’s correct shade. Even some of the top-shelf makeup brands offer only a handful of foundation shades, which infuriatingly are supposed to encompass all skin types and shades. The inevitable result is that people with more common skin-tones are catered to, while others are made to feel ostracized. (Remember the time that Dove implied that white skin was “normal”?)

Enter MatchCo., who offer a completely personalized foundation shade for any skin type for $49. Everything happens via their iPhone app, which scans and analyzes the user’s skin and creates a custom foundation blend for their exact skin tone.

Now, more so than ever before, people want to feel listened to. Nobody wants to feel like they’re just another number or another statistic, and makeup wearers are tired of trying to fit into a predetermined and usually extremely limited selection of skin tones. MatchCo seems to understand this perfectly, which is why they’re undoubtedly one of the top health & beauty startups to watch this year.

Savvy Travelers

You walk into a hotel room, exhausted and ready for a relaxing evening of TV and room service. You dump your bags and reach for the TV’s remote control, and as you do so, an image runs through your mind: hundreds of hands before yours, reaching for the same remote. How clean were those hands? What had they been doing earlier? When was the last time they’d washed?

By now, all you want to do is go home. But Savvy Travelers have come up with an ingenious yet deceptively simple solution: travel-sized packets of individually wrapped beauty wipes. Far from being multi-purpose, the wipes don’t multitask. In this instance, you’d pull out a single use, individually wrapped KLEAN OFFZ, wipe over the remote control, and remove 99.9% of surface contamination.

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Other products include antiperspirant and deodorant wipes to ward off any anxiety about heading out on the town after a heavy gym session; and teeth, lip, and mouth cleansing wipes when you don’t have access to a toothbrush.

With people packing more activities into their days and spending less time at home than ever before, Savvy Travelers certainly are a health & beauty startup to watch in 2017 and beyond.


CareBand is a gamechanger in the world of residential dementia care. A wearable device that tracks the movements of people with dementia in long-term care, CareBand tracks the wearer’s movement and position at all times, and sends alerts to caregivers when needed. Designed specifically for dementia patients, the wearable specifically looks out for two unique risks for dementia patients: dementia-related wandering, and lack of movement that could indicate a fall or other injury.

Relevant alerts are sent in real time to caregivers, and non-resident family members can also track their loved one’s activities via an app. With non-caregiving relatives of dementia patients looking for the best possible care to ensure the safety of their loved one, residential facilities that offer CareBand technology will have a definite advantage over those that don’t. And once facilities realize that they’re losing clients by not offering the tracking and safety technology, more facilities will likely integrate CareBand into their care plans.


Released in 2005, the Nintendo DS game “Brain Training” was one of the first program that purported to “track” a person’s brain age and health, while presenting educational puzzles as fun games that took less than five minutes to complete. From there, Lumosity and other web-based solutions took off in popularity, claiming to train the user’s brain with fun cognitive puzzles.

Now, the concept has taken on a more functional application, with BrainCheck offering activities that have been specifically designed to monitor brain function in patients who are concerned about memory loss, or those who have suffered an injury. Baseline scores are recorded initially, and all subsequent test scores are tracked, with reports readily available to show to a doctor or neurologist. As with previous braining training models, the tests are presented as enjoyable games and activities that take less than five minutes to complete.

If BrainCheck continues to develop, it could conceivably become common practice for everyone to regularly monitor their ongoing brain function against their baseline score, to test for the early stages of memory loss or to measure the level of impairment following an injury. BrainCheck is certainly another health & beauty startup to keep an eye on in 2017 and beyond.

Author Bio

Samantha Thorenson | Chief Writer
Samantha is a content specialist for Titanium Success. Using the Titanium Success principles, she is driven to teach people how to achieve success in business and live an exceptional quality of life.

Website: https://titaniumsuccess.com

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