How to Write the Perfect Real Estate Bio

One of the most often overlooked sections of any real estate website, is the agent biography. You got into real estate because you want to sell houses, not …

Real Estate Agent

One of the most often overlooked sections of any real estate website, is the agent biography. You got into real estate because you want to sell houses, not write the next Great American novel. Well, guess what? In order to sell houses, you are going to have to sell something else first—yourself.

It takes a strong bio to attract new clients and lay the groundwork that the future of your career is built upon. The agent bio is often the first thing that client will read about you and gives them the first idea that they should trust you to either help them sell their home or buy a new one.

The following is going to lay out the steps you need to take in order to create an agent biography that is sure to charm clients.

Include Professional Experience

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If people thought they could sell their own homes, they would. Which means that they’re looking for an expert; someone who knows the ins and outs of the market and can get them the best deal. Don’t be afraid to lay out your accomplishments, this means any skills, education (degrees, certificates, classes taken, etc), experience or rewards you may have under your belt. See if you have any previous clients willing to provide you with a testimonial for your website.

Create a list of facts about yourself that posit you in the best light possible— but, don’t get cocky! You want to come off as experienced, not arrogant.

Show Your Personality

Nobody wants to work all the time, and adding a bit of insight into what your personal life outside of real estate will help you connect with potential clients. People who buy homes usually have a family or are looking to start one, so adding any information about your family life, hobbies and pets can go a long way toward helping clients see you as a person and not just a real estate agent. You never know who may get in touch with you because you have similar hobbies!

You should be careful about putting too many “fun facts” in your biography, though. It’s important to be seen as a human being, but you don’t want to detract from the overall goal of hiring you to buy or sell their home.

Be a Regional Expert

You know the area better than anyone else, this is why people come to you to buy or sell their homes. Make sure you talk about how long you’ve lived in the area and how long you’ve been helping the public as an agent. If you aren’t a native to the area, or are otherwise new, explain why you moved to the region and what you love about it. It’s a great way to instill the sense of trust in your clients will need to help determine if they need your guidance to find the right home.

If you use a CRM for real estate, you can keep in contact with anybody that views your website quickly and timely. It’s a great tool for monitoring all potential leads once you start getting them coming in from your great new agent bio!

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