How to find great office space in Gateshead

If you’re in the process of starting up a business or in your expansion phase, among the key things that you’ll prepare aside from legal matters is a …


If you’re in the process of starting up a business or in your expansion phase, among the key things that you’ll prepare aside from legal matters is a suitable working space. Building providers give you the option to rent service offices or non-service offices. Choosing the right office space Gateshead shouldn’t be too hard for you if you have the proper resources.

In your quest to find a great space for an office, it is important to gauge whether the one you’ll be getting is not only suitable to your needs, but also has good reviews from past clients. Reviews and testimonials can give you an idea of what to expect when you choose a particular office space. Typically, you can find customer reviews in websites, social media platforms, forums, or even videos such as this one:

Here are a few more things that can help you find a great office space in Gateshead:

Know the type and space that you want

There are many office designs, the sizes of which may vary from one another. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, you won’t be able to pick the right one no matter how beautiful and functional the office may be.

For you to know the size of an office that you need, make sure that you have figured out the following before you check out a potential office space:

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  • If you need conferences rooms for meetings
  • If you need a copy room and a mailroom
  • If you need a client waiting area
  • If you need separate mini-offices for higher management personnel

These are just a few specifications you need to consider, and you may have other details in mind.

Consider the comfort of your clients and employees

There are two essential things to consider here: accessibility and parking.

Accessibility would mean two things: First is the accessibility of the office from where the general population of your clients and employees come from so they wouldn’t have transportation concerns. Second is the accessibility of your office from the lobby of the building. The floor number play a crucial role; you wouldn’t want your clients to climb as far as the 20th floor of a building just to reach you. If that happens, you would likely give them the impression that you don’t want them to reach you.

Parking, of course, is also important, since you wouldn’t want your employees or clients to park their vehicles a long way from your office then walk through a great distance just to get to your building.

Have a good glimpse of your financial capacity to strike a good lease agreement

This is business after all. Make sure that you’ve checked your finances and have well-calculated your ability to pay rent for six months to a year. You need to factor in the price per square foot of office space, common dues, and your utility needs. With all the other considerations met, choose one will still keep you afloat for how many months in case there are slow seasons in your business.

Plan which hunting method to use

In checking out spaces, you may employ one or mix the following strategies:

  • Enlist the service of a local estate agent.

This will cost you extra, but if you want the convenience, then this may be the best option for you. To make the most of your time, require your agent to send you the proposed properties first according to your specifications so when you go out into the field, everything is already planned out.

Among the advantages of hiring a local estate agent is that they more likely have knowledge of properties for rent that aren’t listed on websites. This is commonly called as pocket listings. If the agent knows the owners, then the deal will likely be a smooth one.

  • Connect with the locals.

No one knows a particular place better than the locals. If you have the luxury of time, talk to locals in Gateshead, as they may have the best recommendations at no cost to you. All you need to do is dine out in places where they usually converge, or grab a coffee at the best coffee shop in town where they are usually at.

  • Do some research online.

Most of the building owners nowadays have incorporated in their marketing strategy the development of a website that would showcase their listings. With an hour or two spent on the computer, you may find your prospect offices to visit. Get in touch with them through the contact information on their website. You’ll have swift accommodation if you have set up an appointment with them.


Above are the basic points you need to remember when looking for great office space. You can always create your strategy out of those. One thing that you may want to ponder on, though, is that the best working environment is not merely brought about by how beautiful the physical office is, but also by the comfort it allows you, your clients, and your employees to feel without hurting your business finances.

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