5 Signs Your Checkout Process is Outdated

Your store’s checkout process can either make or break a successful sales day. Long lines, slow payment processing, and limited payment options can all cause customer frustration, turning …

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Your store’s checkout process can either make or break a successful sales day. Long lines, slow payment processing, and limited payment options can all cause customer frustration, turning away those all-important patrons and perhaps even scaring away potential customers. Here are five signs that your checkout process is outdated and in serious need of an overhaul.

  1. You Only Accept Cash and Credit or Debit

There are literally dozens of ways to pay for items today. With touchless payment methods, online payments, as well as traditional methods like cash and credit cards, the way we pay for your favorite items is forever changing; and stores need to keep up.

Some people prefer only one payment method over all of the others, meaning they likely won’t visit your store if your accepted payment methods are limited. If you’re using a register that can only process traditional payment methods, you’re already behind the curve.

Expanding your payment methods will improve your checkout process and attract the attention of those customers who otherwise wouldn’t have considered your business. It’s vital to your success in business to keep up with payment trends and be sure your equipment can process any payment method.

Find a POS software that can do it all, and you’ll not only take your business to the next level, but you’ll put yourself ahead of the competition.

  1. Your Lines are Something of Legend 

If your store has become notorious for long lines and ridiculous wait times, it’s definitely time to update your checkout process. Long lines can be due to other factors like store setup or high demand, but usually, abnormally long lines are caused by slow checkout times.

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Slow checkout times can be due to employee performance and outdated equipment. If credit cards take more than a few seconds to process, you need to upgrade your equipment. Credit cards are a quick and convenient way to pay; take away the “quick” part, and you’ve got yourself an irritated customer.

During busy seasons especially, you’ll want the soft/hardware to run through transactions quickly and keep those lines moving. The last thing you want during the holiday rush in November/December is a long line and slow checkout times. This can turn away customers and potential patrons. No one wants to wait in line for more than a few minutes!

  1. You Have No Technical Support

When something goes wrong with your old POS system, is there a dedicated tech support line you can call? If not, you’re already setting yourself up for failure. Technology has a tendency to malfunction now and then, and without the proper support, you could very well be left dead in the water with no POS system at all.

Modern POS systems come with 24/7 support (at least in most cases), so no matter what time of day your problem occurs, you can be certain it will be addressed quickly. Dedicated support staff also says a lot about the business providing the POS system; that they care for their customers and stand behind their products.

Don’t leave your POS to chance. Be sure you’ve got a support line to call in the instance of an error or malfunction so you can keep those lines moving and avoid gaining a reputation for faulty equipment and long lines.

  1. Your Customers aren’t Happy With it

When those customer complaints come rolling in, reading through (or listening to) them all can be exhausting and disheartening; especially if there seems to be a trend in complaints. In this case, complaints about the checkout process.

Your customers will let you know if they’re unhappy with the way your store performs the checkout process. Pay attention to what they say, and any suggestions they may have to offer to improve the process. You’d be amazed at the incredible insight a customer can offer, even something as simple as re-arranging a certain aisle in the store.

Every business should pay close attention to their customers’ voices. Good customer service is about more than just helping a customer in the store; it’s acknowledging their concerns and working to address them in a timely manner.

  1. Your Staff are Always Frustrated with your POS 

Alongside the customer, your second best resource for gauging the success of your checkout process is the employees who work at the point of sale on a daily basis. They’ll be able to tell you what is effective, what isn’t, and what could be improved.

Your employees will have a unique understanding of how the lines move, what helps it along, and what factors lead to a slower checkout process. Refer to your employees when you need to know why your lines aren’t moving, and compare their responses with those of your customers.

Once you’ve cross-referenced all of your information, you can begin to take the necessary steps toward improving checkout; even if it means firing or re-training certain employees. The quality of your labor force is definitely a factor in your checkout process’ effectiveness and should not be underestimated.


Improving your checkout process will not only increase customer satisfaction but also help drive sales and keep those current customers loyal. Ease and convenience are the names of the game when it comes to retail, so be sure to keep that checkout process simple and quick to keep the lines moving.

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