Medical Marijuana Grow-op seeking investor 100% return on money

Medical marijuana grow-op is seeking investment. The founders of this group include nutritional counseling, holistic healing, meditation, air & water purification, personal growth, and business basics plus much …

Medical marijuana grow-op is seeking investment. The founders of this group include nutritional counseling, holistic healing, meditation, air & water purification, personal growth, and business basics plus much more. financial planners and businessmen. Aside from being run by experienced business owners, the members of the grow-op share the personal loss of family or friends who could have seen a substantial improvement in quality of living from medical marijuana use.

We are looking for 4 months operating capital and executing the business plan, which will be presented upon interest. minimum investment $85,000, and investors will be pre-qualified. In addition to an 100% return, you will be investing in the solution for a major component of patient lives

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