Panama International Merchandise Mart Launches New Program for Commercial Real Estate Investors

Commercial real estate investors can now earn double-digit returns by purchasing showrooms in the Panama International Merchandise Mart – PIMM. Investing in PIMM is a unique opportunity to …

Commercial real estate investors can now earn double-digit returns by purchasing showrooms in the Panama International Merchandise Mart – PIMM. Investing in PIMM is a unique opportunity to profit from Panama’s real estate boom .

How does the investment work?

The investment plan is simple and effective. The price for showrooms is US$2500 mt2. The minimum purchase is $125,000 for a 50 mt2 unit. 40% can be financed through PIMM tax free and the investor is eligible to obtain 20-year financing on the balance through Panama’s International Banking Center. PIMM will help investors buy space in market sectors that have proven to sell out quickly in other marts worldwide.

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As per ROI, PIMM is scheduled to open in 2010. At that time prices per mt2 will be increased. When this happens, the showroom owner can sell for a profit, or they can have PIMM lease the showroom for them until they are ready to sell.

Is your investment sound? 

Panama real estate is booming and has been for the last 5 years. Panama’s economy grew 11% in 2007. Major players such as Caterpillar, HP, Dell, Proctor & Gamble and others have opened corporate headquarters in the country. As a result, commercial real estate prices have risen rapidly, yet appreciation and value remain solid. Major indicators agree the trend will continue.

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