Proven Ways to Increase Your Search Engine Rankings

Everyone wants to improve its ranking in the search results. The main purpose is to get your webpage in the top 10 results of a search query. When …

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Everyone wants to improve its ranking in the search results. The main purpose is to get your webpage in the top 10 results of a search query. When it comes to SEO, it is not something that you can achieve in a few days. Implementing a powerful SEO strategy entails determining what your biggest opportunities are, the keywords you should be targeting, the content you should be creating, the technical SEO issues that need to be fixed, among other things- and all of this takes time. You need to be patient, but if you persevere, you’ll surely start ranking higher and get more traffic.You need to be patient but when you get the results, it will be long-lasting. One of the main purposes is to increase conversion rates in digital campaigns.  In this article, we will show you how to increase your search engine visibility step by step in this article.

How Long Does It Take?

The time it takes to rank a website depends on many things. It is little frustration for some of you but it is the truth. The things that affect the time are budget, skill, and level of competition, etc.  You need to make continuous improvement to your website. Google takes some time to re-evaluate your entire website after any change.

How to Improve Ranking?

Usually, it takes less than a year to get in the top 10 results. You need proper skills, and hard work to achieve it. So, if you want to get in the top 10 results and want to improve your conversions and sales, you need to take the following steps:

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Good Website Structure

Google crawlers need to crawl your website to know exactly what is your content about. Poor website structure can affect your SEO campaign. If crawlers are having difficulty navigating your site then you will not get higher rankings. You also need to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly.

SEO Audit

Google keeps updating its algorithm to rank the best websites for a keyword. Many machine learning and signals help it determine the ranking of a website.

Fix Duplicate Content

Many bloggers face the issue of duplicate content due to multiple versions of a webpage. Google will take multiple versions of your website as different pages with duplicate content. You can easily resolve this issue by setting redirect rules in the .htaccess file.

Optimize Your Website for Mobile Devices

In 2015, more than 50% of internet traffic comes from a mobile phone. The amount is increasing every year and it is now more than 70% in 2019. Google has launched a mobile-first index update which means your website should pass the mobile-friendly website for getting indexed in Google. Most of your visitors are going to be mobile users so you need to focus on that.

User Experience

Do you know about your audience, what they are going to do when land on your website? If you do, then you need to make sure that they can perform these tasks without any difficulty. Better user-experience is a factor in SEO rankings. If a user browses your site and leaves without spending some time, the google will take is as a bad sign and will decrease your rank.


You also need to increase your website loading speed so the visitors do not need to wait for your webpage to load.

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