The 5 Most Common Questions Australians Have on Selling Shares Online

The Internet has made many things easier and faster. This includes making investments and buying and selling shares. However, those who are new to online investing will often …

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The Internet has made many things easier and faster. This includes making investments and buying and selling shares. However, those who are new to online investing will often have questions regarding the sale of shares on the web. Below are some of the most common.

Is It Safe to Sell Shares Online?

You can easily and safely sell shares online. However, to ensure that it is safe and that your information is private, you will need to be sure you are working with a reputable company for the sale.

Why Are There Fees for Selling Shares?

Whenever you sell shares, you will be paying a brokerage. The amount that you pay will typically be a minimum amount, as well as a percentage of the value of the shares that are being sold. The fees can vary, but they tend to be standard among firms. When you are selling, you should ask about the fees before you make a decision.

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When Will I Receive Money for Selling Shares?

After you have verified identification, you can generally sell your stocks within a day or two. After the shares have been sold, it will generally take about three days for the ASX to send the money to your bank account. The exact amount of time it will take can vary based on when the shares were sold, for example.

Can I Sell Shares from a Deceased Estate?

Yes, you can do this. If you are the executor of an estate, you might need to sell shares or transfer them. This is possible, but you will need to provide the company helping you with your verified identity and a copy of the probate, or the will and death certificate.

Can I Sell Shares Held in My Maiden Name?

Yes, you can sell your shares that are held in your maiden name. However, you will need to let the company that’s helping you with the sales of your shares know that they are held under your maiden name.

Working with professionals makes it easier to sell shares. If you are going to be selling shares online, you will want to work with a company that can provide you with the guidance and help that you need. Check out as a great example.

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