Top Social Media Tips for Realtors

If you’re a realtor, you probably recognize that advertising on shopping carts and bus stops is no longer nearly as effective as it once was. With everything shifting …

If you’re a realtor, you probably recognize that advertising on shopping carts and bus stops is no longer nearly as effective as it once was. With everything shifting into the digital sphere, failing to adapt to new technologies will leave you with lost business and miles behind your competitors. One way that realtors are currently finding themselves extremely successfully in when it comes to marketing is by using social media. Using social media as a realtor is an absolutely fantastic way to build your personal business and make that extra sale. If you’re hesitant at all to adopt social media practices as a realtor, you shouldn’t be. Check out these tips on how realtors can effectively use social media, and adopt the practices that you believe will make you more money.

Tweet Tweet Tweet!

Twitter can be an especially effective tool for realtors if used correctly. The benefit of social media is that it can give you a voice, as opposed to just a face on the side of a bus. Use Twitter to tweet out interesting stories and news articles from the area you work in. Building a solid following is key to success, because that means people will share what you’re sending out and your name will get out there more. If you get good client testimonials, share those too. Share interesting tidbits with your followers, and be sure to include tweets to your listings too.

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Use Facebook Effectively

Many companies these days offer services targeted to realtors where they create customized Facebook pages. If you’ve got extra cash lying around this might be a good option, but why not do it yourself? Use Facebook to connect with the community, and make sure you like and promote different local businesses. Constantly update your Facebook (as you should all your social media accounts) so you remain on people’s brains. One other big benefit to realtors that Facebook offers is targeted Facebook ads. You can use Facebook to reach an exact population segment, meaning you’ll be spending your advertising dollars more wisely. For example, say you want to reach recently married couples between ages 30 and 36 for a specific listing, you can easily do that.


There’s a saying on the Internet that content is king. That couldn’t be more true. Creating fresh, engaging content is one of the best ways to get your name solidified among respected industry experts. If you create a blog for your real estate practice and constantly update it, you’ll see that your other social media accounts benefit too. Use your blog as essentially a “hidden” advertisement, in that you should be blogging about everyday things and writing profiles on local businesses and people, but every now and then sneak in a profile of a listing. Be sure to share everything that you write on your social media accounts. Constantly blogging and creating engaging content will also improve your search engine optimization, which means you’ll appear higher when people do an Internet search for realtors in your area. It’s a serious win-win!

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