Why Your Small Business Needs A Website

Hopefully this doesn’t come as a surprise, but your small business needs a website. Websites serve many purposes for businsses, everything from lead generation, to brand awareness and …

Hopefully this doesn’t come as a surprise, but your small business needs a website. Websites serve many purposes for businsses, everything from lead generation, to brand awareness and customer service. Unfortunately just having a website up, though, isn’t enough. In order for your business to enjoy the full value of the website, it must be created with certain things in mind. What is the main purpose of the website? How do you plan on getting your website in front of people? These are just a couple of the questions you should be asking yourself about your website, but they certainly don’t stop there. Websites are incredibly important for small businesses — don’t overlook them. Below you will find some interesting facts about the value of websites:

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Via: WebStarts

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